Who am I ?

Hi πŸ‘‹πŸ½ ! I'm Ferdinand (he/him/they/them). I'm a French student fond of mathematics ♾️, science πŸ“‘, and also video games πŸ–₯️; meaning I'm what people might call a nerd xor a geek xor even both ! I am also an open source enthousiast linux user (though I don't use Arch btw).

I learned programming on my own by creating small games, and visualisation inspired by youtube channels such as The Coding Train, Numberphile, and 3blue1brown... I started with Microsoft Small Basic and then used Processing for a while. After that, I learned many other languages (Java, C++, Rust...) to see how they work. As of today, I mostly use the fantastic Godot Game Engine for gamedev related projects, and the Julia programming language for other kinds of project.